Tuesday, May 3, 2011

cut to the chase or not.. (Part II)

The chase...the eternal game...revered by both men and women for...well for as long as there HAS been men and women. So many I know say they hate it , but in all reality, keep playing this game and do it very well. So why do so many think it is bad? I don't...well at least not if done with good intentions. I think keeping the chase is what gets us interested in the opposite sex. I mean really, how fun would it be it a guy walks up to us, says "hey, you seem nice, lets date", and you agree! The chase can be fun...and all the flirting that comes with it... healthy!!!
When U first start looking to date, U get urselves all prettied up n head out on the prowl. U go to places that interest u, hoping to find men with similar interests n when u see one that looks worthy, u catch their attention n then.. well the rest depends on ur character..however u proceed from here, the game has begun n the chase started...and for u, I prefer the "chase him till he catches you version". Game on! :D
In the end I'd like to quote Dr.Suess :
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

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