Was just practicing one of the things 'm best at... Day dreaming
No matter how much I try, this guy has stuck on to a permanent space in my head like a wine stain on a cloth! Refuses to fade away even with time! I know you mates must be like, been there done that, but it isn't like the other times. Its different & its constant, flashback of mathematics paper!! O_o
And to add to the confusion I'm receiving all these weird signs..
like in the morning when I left home to reach out for some fruits, my building quote board said "I want to do with you what spring does with cherry tress" & I went like W-h-A-Tttttt?!!
Sign2: my niece called up, who a week ago could'nt say blah, repeated 'love you' a zillion times!
Sign3: considering the fact that 'm a beginner with no form of guitar tutorials I could surprisingly play 'pehla nasha' verse
& if that was'nt enough, my rose plant who never fails to stand up to my expectations & never blooms a single rose, flourised 7 happy roses..!
These above examples were just a hint of how my day has been expanding in terms of "signs" BUT 'm not willing to fall for it :D It'd take more than that to convince me whats really happening! hah!
It seems more like just another state of infatuation. Its like a day of being sick, only that I sit back & smile more ^_^ Something or someone can cure it but it cant be prevented anymore.
Whereas calling it a crush would be a definite exaggeration.
Having a crush on somebody is like a bad omen for me or for the matter of fact for most girls, because we end up going gaga for the guy who may not compromise much space in our existing future. Although denying that it isn't fun is false too.. Its like rain on a summer's day- Unexpected, Vibrant & Hopeful. But the dark side of it is when the rain fails to stop but the day ends. They wouldn't call it a crush if it wasn't suppose to hurt you see.
So its just for the best if we live for the moment & not restrict ourselves.. explore more!
Exposure to so many words & thoughts is now causing me kinda poetic influenza, so here it is..
In the shadow of his smile
I could see happiness drawn inside
In the shade of his eyes
There is joy, the color of life
White skin, like the moon, like the stars
All because, it is touching the dream
Yellow shirt, like the sun
& I was standing there like a tree
Moved by his scent & mesmerized by his eyes
I was like a stone, couldn't hold his hand
I wish & I wish
To make you the soul of my soul
Make me your lady & fly to the promised land
Where the stars and the moon, bray to make us kiss
Take me in your arms & whisper to my lips
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