Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Paneer Cutlet

Always wished to share my Culinary Skills with y'll and the day has come. Yesterday was the big day when I happen to cook :P I do cook often but then there are only certain days when I'm allowed to cook the non-regular Yummy stuff!
Everybody at home loved my regular potato stuffing cutlet but then one day I combined the 2 regular favorites of mine.. 
Paneer+Cutlet=Nom nom nom nom nom nom! :P

A fresh start is a start of all my dishes. I believe in using only the most freshest of the ingredients & so should you. 

Tatara!! Here!.. my butterfly effect ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

He made a blunder in their relationship, now he repents. But he isn't ready to give up yet and he's expressing his emotions via his poetic verse

Can’t get you out of my head now
Miss you more than I discern now
Wish for your enticing gentle touch now
Perfect you, perfection of mine, in fumes now
Even if I try to walk back now
Both of us agree that it’s too late now
So I walk by myself now
Only one question on my mind How
Powerless to believe my own self Wow
Now when I imagine you bid me Ciao
Fist goes on the wall Pow
All my mistakes were forgiven but this one clearly disallow
But I won’t give up on you anyhow
Love is divine & I need you now
So please forgive me baby & let our love endow